Keep your Ugg boots looking like new longer by spraying them with a fabric protector. Properly applied, Scotchgard will protect your leather Uggs and help keep your feet dry.
Try spraying a small amount of the Scotchgard Fabric & Upholstery Protector on your Ugg boots in an inconspicuous place. Let it dry and check to see whether the spray causes discoloration or color bleeding. If it does not, proceed to Step 2.
Step 2
Go to a well-ventilated buy ugg boots area such, as your garage. In nice weather, you can do this outdoors. Put your boots on several layers of newspaper. Hold the can of Scotchgard about 10 inches away from the Classic Argyle Knit UGG Bootsand spray them evenly on all sides with a sweeping motion. Turn the boots as needed to cover them completely with Scotchgard.
Step 3
Put the boots in aUgg Stripe Cable Knit Boots well-ventilated place where they can dry without being disturbed. Let them dry for at least 36 hours.