"The rest has to do with how we treat our bodies, which determines whether, like a light switch, we turn the good genes
on and the bad genes off." His book identifies what he calls "the four horsemen of aging," which are thought to be dangerous processes that age our bodies and are
triggered by the foods we eat and the lifestyles we lead. Conquer these four horsemen, Bowden contends, and you can slow down the aging process and help stave off heart
disease, cancer, and diabetes. (An added bonus: looking younger than your peers at your high school reunion.)
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1. Free radicals. Similar to the way rust attacks a car, free radicals—chemically unstable molecules—attack our cells and damage our DNA, a process that many experts
believe accelerates aging. Free radicals are also known to increase the risk of cancer. You can't, unfortunately, completely avoid these molecules—they're present in
the air you breathe—but you can limit your exposure to them, says Bowden, by avoiding things like cigarettes, trans fats (partially hydrogenated oils which have been
banned from many foods), excess sun exposure, charred meats, and other sources. Bowden also recommends buying organic fruits and vegetables whenever possible to limit
your exposure to pesticides and herbicides, which also contain the harmful molecules. If you can't afford to go completely organic, try to at least buy the following
foods organically: peaches, apples, blueberries, bell peppers, celery, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, imported grapes, spinach, kale, and potatoes. Last year, the
Environmental Working Group found that these "dirty dozen" contain the highest level of chemical residue when compared to other kinds of produce. That being said,
fruits and vegetables are also chock full of antioxidants, which are thought to neutralize free radicals, so you should still aim to get five servings a day, organic or
not. Those with the highest amount of antioxidants include prunes, raisins, blueberries, blackberries, and kale.
2. Inflammation. Normally part of a healthy immune response to foreign invaders, inflammation is now considered to be a major player in many diseases of aging including
cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer's—that is, when it becomes chronic. This happens when the immune system begins targeting healthy cells and tissues for
attack. How to keep inflammation at bay? One trick is to follow a Mediterranean-style diet, says Bowden, based on whole grains, fatty fish like salmon and tuna, fruits,
vegetables, and monounsaturated fats (nuts, avocados, and olives) with little meat. "Studies have shown that heart patients who follow this diet have much lower rates
of heart attacks, even if they still have high cholesterol," he says. Other great anti-inflammatory foods include: spices like turmeric, chocolate (the really dark kind
that has 70 percent or higher cacao content), and red wine, which contains the anti-aging chemical resveratrol. However, resveratrol may prove more useful as a
supplement, since you would have to drink more than 100 bottles of wine a day to make any real impact on the aging process, researchers contend.
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